Highest cultural WHS

Cultural WHS (or the cultural parts of mixed WHS) that are located over 2,500 meter above sea level

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Bamiyan Valley 2,800 m
Chavin 3,180 m
Cuzco 3,399 m
Fujisan 3,776.24 m (wiki)
Khangchendzonga National Park 8586m
Machu Picchu Huayna Picchu : 2,720 m
Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley 2,500 m
Mesa Verde Up to 2600m
Mount Emei, including Leshan Giant Buddha 3,100 m
Mount Wutai 3,060 m
Potala Palace 3,490 m
Potosi 4,090 metres
Pyrénées - Mont Perdu 3,355 m
Qhapaq Ñan Complejo Ceremonial Volcán Llullaillaco (ARLLU-07/CS-2011) at 6739 MASL
Quebrada de Humahuaca Humahuaca 2,946 m
Quito 2,850 m
Rio Abiseo National Park Gran Pajaten 2900 m
Santa Ana de los Rios de Cuenca 2,550 m
Sucre 2,750 m
Tiwanaku 3,900 m


Do you know of another WHS we could connect to Highest cultural WHS?

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A connection should:

  1. Not be "self evident"
  2. Link at least 3 different sites
  3. Not duplicate or merely subdivide the "Category" assignment already identified on this site.
  4. Add some knowledge or insight (whether significant or trivial!) about WHS for the users of this site
  5. Be explained, with reference to a source